Ronald Banks CV

Ronald Banks CV

Ronald Banks – Genesis Integrative Solutions

Ronald Banks/Genesis Integrative Solutions (GIS) has developed several models of Video Production Systems (VPS) to interfaces control of audio/video (CAV), Network Device Interface (NDI), and GIS robotic cameras, which also enable UHD video capture, Next-Generation Embedded DevicesTM (NGeDTM), and transport. GIS VPS integrates multiple camera, NGeDTM, image, audio, NDI, virtual set and chrome key sources. The VPS systems multi record, distribute, web stream, and play list functions which creates professional broadcast ultra quality (BUQ) productions.

Telecommunications and Public Sefety revitalized infrastructure is set to redefine the technology landscape.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Huntsville, AL.

Specialist Engineer: Performed system-level design for Space Station Freedom Audio/Video systems. Developed Information for Bids (IFB), coordinated system requirements (with subcontractors and management), and participated in system implementation and testing.

Telecommunications Enigeeer

Chief Engineer in charge of multi-purpose broadcast television facility at Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL.

Provided maintenance and upgrade of broadcast quality television one (1) central distribution center (CDC), one (1) main video production, three (3) remote production, and three (3) editing facilities. Developed, engineered, and installed campus-wide fiber optic infrastructure for video, audio, and information data distribution between CDC and all of the broadcast quality television production facilities, and news media distribution center.

Developed and managed the installation of a cable television head-end system to upgrade a baseband to a broadband campus video distribution system.

I provided technical specifications and requirements for the procurement of voice, video, and high-resolution graphic telecommunication demarcation interfaces between Spacelab Shuttle Payload, Marshall Space Flight Center, and other NASA locations.

Project Manager

As Project Manager provided presentation and plan documents with objectives, descriptions, budgets, and schedules to NASA management.

I developed and implemented five-year, two-year, and one-year technical budgetary funding forecast plans for NASA Spacelab missions inter/intra telecommunication systems at Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL.

In addition, designed, engineered, installed, and maintained the Spacelab Mission Control Center (MCC) video display information wall, and remote video production system, along with an indoor/outdoor public emergency warning system, various tourist exhibits, and multi-center high-fidelity voice grade recording systems.

I performed configuration management and maintained as-built drawings of WAN/LAN, telecommunications, security, and information technology systems in local and remote inter/infrastructure at Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL.

GIS is not confined to the past—we are passionate about the next-generation designs shaping our world today.